"The most overriding factor to higher female education is the widespread of poverty in Ghana. Out of 250 females surveyed from Junior High and Senior High Schools in the Central Region, 85.4% lack funds for school supplies, 25 % often go to school hungry and nearly 100% admitted some financial problems"

- Blue Kitabu Research Institute , Boston MA

Eventually majority of these girls either drop out or perform poorly in school.


To support under resourced adolescent girls in Ghana to realize their dreams and become agents of change in their society by coaching, providing educational support and creating opportunities to develop their leadership and entrepreneurial skills.


A world where all underprivileged girls have adequate resources to reach their full potential.


  • 80%+ of our girls must complete at least secondary education and excel
  • To see 5% of our girls engaged in an income generating venture by 2020
  • Roll out A New Dawn Curriculum to 3000 girls by the end of 2020


  • To curb unwanted pregnancy among adolescent girls
  • To build confident and resilient leaders through educational and financial support
  • To develop entrepreneurial abilities of girls

Core Values

  • Hard work and Perseverance - Whatever our hand finds to do, we work at it will all diligence (Ecc 9:10)
  • Integrity - We operate in honesty and therefore do not compromise on the truth
  • Resilience - Failure and challenging situations is a great learning tool in reaching our audacious goals, as such we are keen about learning from them as quickly as we can.
  • Courage - At Bowney, we will feel the fear but go ahead and do it anyways

Bowney, preparing girls for a lifetime