Our Modules

A New Dawn

Locally designed by our team members, A New Dawn is a six (6) lesson intensive curriculum that teaches girls to be self-aware, resilient and confident in themselves. All girls enrolled in our program are to complete lessons before they become fully registered. Instilling the Bowney core values into them is paramount and this is what we seek to achieve through our lessons. We believe resources are limited and possessing these values would enable our girls stand the test of time.

As part of the lessons, Girls are made to draft their vision statement and their goals, they are taught how to manage their resources (time and money), overcome challenges, make decisions and understand the changes that occur during adolescence and how to take care of one self. Our lessons are taught using a hands-on and interactive approach such as group exercises, presentations, case studies, debates, videos, journal prompts and take home assignments.

Share Care

When Grace, our founder was young, she saved money to buy her own clothes and some school materials because her parents could not afford them. At other times, her friends and mentors presented them as gifts. Her inspiration to campaign for donations like clothes, school bags, school shoes to be presented to these girls was because she came to the realization that providing such basic things boosted the confidence of girls in school and therefore increased their concentration and focus.

Majority of girls go to school in tattered school uniforms, no textbooks and few exercise books among many others. In that light, our Share Care program seeks to provides girls with the necessary school materials and other basic necessities that will enable them focus in school.
For Share Care, we take donations from individuals and organizations. Items vary from textbooks, sanitary pad, exercise books, school shoes to clothes.


Learning from successful people is one of the most effective ways to rise and excel. Mmaasima, an “akan” word which means ideal ladies is the name given to our mentorship program. We bring together accomplished men and women who have similar background as our girls to share their stories and experiences with them so they can learn from their successes and failures. Also, we get to find personal coaches and mentors who support our girls emotionally during their learning journey.


BizzGirls, our entrepreneurship program seeks to develop the talent and skills of our girls. Majority of them have key skills in bead making, fashion design, leather works, hairdressing and crocheting. Our aim is to harness these skills so they become income generating ventures in the future. Entrepreneurship has become a necessary evil for a country like Ghana whose youth unemployment rate keep rising. The World Bank recorded a 48% jobless youth in Ghana in 2016 with young women having a highest inactive rate at 17% as compared to 11 % men.

B-Educational Fund

Our educational fund goes to support girls so they can successfully complete school. Sometimes you have a parent who can pay a child’s school fees but are unable to provide other needs such as pocket money, provisions and classes’ fee. Our fund goes to support girls whose parents are struggling to fund their education so they can excel.