For 30 years, Berekuso, a town in the Eastern Region of Ghana longed for a library. When our girls brought up the library idea during our entrepreneurship class, we were drawn to it because we had experienced first hand the effect of students not having access to books and a serene space away from home. One time, as our girls were preparing for the Basic Education Certificate Examination, we had to provide books so they could prepare. We placed them in one person’s home where they came to read often. To us, the library was paramount and could go a long way to support the academic needs of the girls who lived in the Berekuso community including boys

Through the generosity of the Berekuso Chief and other community leaders, we were given an empty dilapidated building to work with. The Library was built using funds from crowdsourcing and Dalai Lama Fellows together with countless hours of volunteer work from students at Ashesi University

We are committed to seeing this library flourish to cater for school children in the Berekuso community. Till date, the library has been used by over 216 school children and has been running over a year after its launch in July 2017